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Verto Project

The Verto Project (Verto is Latin for “turn-around” or “change”) is a unique, 20-week pre-employment program that assists youth between the ages of 18-24 transition out of harm’s way and back into school or into the workforce. The programming portion will run over 9 consecutive weeks and successful candidates will earn a living allowance of $15/hr.

Be Relentless

About The Verto Project

The Verto Project (Verto is Latin for “turn-around” or “change”) is a unique, 20-week pre-employment program that assists youth between the ages of 18-24 transition out of harm’s way and back into school or into the workforce. Twelve youth are accepted into each Intake every 8 weeks.

Verto runs Monday to Friday from 9:00 am – 4 pm. During the first 8 weeks of program, youth will participate in employment and personal development, technology training, conflict resolution training, health and wellness training, volunteerism, and leadership development. During the final 2 weeks of the program, youth will experience intensive employment readiness training and receive certification in First Aid and may have the opportunity to access other employment related certifications if needed.

Verto gives youth the skills that are necessary to transition back into school or employment and away from the harmful lifestyles they currently lead by supporting them to find success and independence.

Employment is the goal for the youth attending the program, with schooling as an option to achieve the employment goals set by the youth.

Verto Project Quality Employment Opportunity

After the 8-weeks of in-house programming through the Verto Project, the youth enter an agreed upon 12-week paid quality employment opportunity placement. Working with our Employment Coordinator throughout the Verto Project, the youth will identify potential employers they wish to work for, and we will assist to create connections with these employers and secure quality employment opportunity placements. Youth will also be required to search existing employment opportunities in the community and will be provided with support to apply for positions related to their areas of interest. We also have a wide variety of contacts with many different employers and industries that we utilize on a continual basis.

The goal of the quality employment opportunity is to provide a transitional period for youth to put into practice what they have learned throughout the program. The Verto Employment Coordinator, assist the youth in finding a job and assists in the initial stages of employment. We then support the youth for the duration of the quality employment opportunity and beyond with our Transitional Outreach Workers. If both the youth and the employer are happy with the experience, and if the employer is able to do so, they will offer the youth employment beyond the quality employment opportunity. If not, then the youth comes back to us and we again start the process of finding suitable employment.

For more information about the program, please contact Sebastian Barrera, or register below for our next Intake.

Next program starts soon. If you would like to be put on the wait list, apply now.

Register Here

Please fill out our prescreen questionnaire form to register.

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Program Partners

Thank you to the following Partners for supporting The Verto Project.

Can you help a YOUCAN Youth Services youth today?

The youth we work with have hopes and dreams. They want to live lives that they can be proud of. They want to contribute to our community. They want to have the same opportunities that we have. YOUCAN Youth Services relies upon the support of the community to help youth realize those hopes and dreams. Your support helps with things like food, work clothes, and bus passes to name a few. These “little things” make a huge difference assisting youth as they move out of harms way and start moving towards economic independence. Will you help a YOUCAN Youth Services youth today?